Traditional Herbal Registration Scheme.

THRlogoMany of us are taking or are interested in herbal supplements that may have a positive effect on the immune system, but are you aware of the Traditional Herbal Registration scheme?

In an episode of “Trust Me I’m a Doctor”, broadcast in August, the show did research with University College London School of Pharmacy to test a range of herbal supplements to find out what they contained. The results were shocking, for example, in the Ginkgo supplements that were tested 8 out of 30 contained no Ginkgo at all! They found similar results too, when they tested Milk Thistle products.

The THR scheme was introduced to regulate herbal medicines. The THR mark means the herbal product has been used traditionally for at least 30 years and been assessed by various scientifically qualified individuals. It also shows that the company complies with certain good manufacturing specifications. The scheme provides some assurance that you are getting a good quality product and also ensures that more reliable advice is given on how to use it, including any interactions it may have with other drugs.

In every THR product tested, the supplement did contain what it claimed.

If you want to read more about this and watch the article, follow this link- Trust Me I’m a Doctor.
