The Psychology of Lupus

Receiving the diagnosis of a long term chronic condition like lupus can be very difficult to come to terms with. Whilst you may have been trying for a long time to get a diagnosis for your symptoms and getting one can bring some sense of relief. Finding out that you have a serious condition for which there is, as yet, no cure can also be overwhelming.

Talking to someone about your feelings can help.

The following charities offer low cost counselling and have been used by members of our group.

The Brighton and Hove Federation for Disabled People known as The Fed (Possabilty People) offer a sliding scale for counselling based on what you can afford. Their telephone number is 01273 29 67 47 

As You Are  are a local charity based at Corner House in Southwick that offers counselling on a sliding scale from £6 to £35 per session. They can be contacted for assessments and general enquiries on: 07952 754859 and 07507 706478 or 01273 871575 (Monday & Tuesday evenings 6-9pm and Saturdays 10-1pm).

