Start Collecting your Aluminium Cans and Foil

cansA couple of our members have come up with a great idea for combining Lupus Awareness Day and fundraising for our group.

Lupus Awareness Day is on  Saturday 10th May 2014, next year and Mel has very kindly offered our group the use of the Green Centre for the Day. We plan to all get together and bring some food and drinks, have a raffle, sell some cakes, learn how to sort some bottle tops and generally raise a bit of money for the group. We’ll bring along our mini library too, so you can look at the books we bought for the group and see if you’d like to borrow any. Please note that this event will be for group members, friends and family, but not the general public.

One way you can start to contribute to this event now, is by starting to collect your aluminium cans and foil (not food cans). You can tell if a can is aluminium by putting a magnet to it, if it doesn’t stick then it’s aluminum. If you then bring all the aluminium you’ve collected to the event on the 10th May 2014, Mel has generously offered, as a one off to take it all to the recycling centre where it will be weighed.

Any aluminium taken to the Green Centre after 10th May, will go to raise funds for the Green Centre (which is also another very worthy cause!)


