Dr Sandra Sacre Talk on Lupus Research

Dr Sandra Sacre and her PHD student Ryan, have very kindly agreed to come along to September’s Coffee and Chat and tell us all about their research into Lupus and other autoimmune diseases. You may have been asked to give some blood to help with this project when you’ve been along to your routine rheumatology appointment at the Royal Sussex hospital.

Dr Sacre is a Senior Lecturer in Molecular Cell Biology and the Director of the Brighton Musculoskeletal Research Centre. She and her team have been studying innate immune receptors in chronic inflammatory diseases like lupus SLE and the role they play in regulating our immune responses. They are studying these receptors and how they contribute to inflammatory diseases to try to improve diagnostic tools so that diseases like lupus SLE can be more easily diagnosed, as well as improving therapeutic treatments. To learn more follow these links to Brighton Musculoskeletal Research Centre and Brighton and Sussex Medical School.

This should be really a really interesting talk and we’re really looking forward hearing all about this ground breaking work.
