Lupus and Feelings of Depression and Anxiety

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor those of us diagnosed with lupus (as discussed in December’s talk by professor Davies on the brain), we may feel depressed and anxious at times. So you may be interested to know about a technique called CBT or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This is a form of talking therapy that involves changing the way we think about our problems. It has been shown to be helpful when coping with the emotional side of long term health conditions. The NHS choices website now have a series of audio guides called Moodzone which offer advice on how to approach common problems with mental well being, such as depression, anxiety and sleeplessness amongst others.

CBT is usually done on a one to one basis and if you feel you could benefit from this type of talking therapy then speak to your GP as it is available on the NHS as well as privately.
