June 2013 AGM & Coffee and Chat

Photos of The Courtyard, Brighton

Before this month’s coffee and chat we had Lupus Brighton and Hove’s first Annual General Meeting, five people attended and Harsha (our Treasurer) and Roz (our Secretary) were re-elected. As we had no nominations for Chairperson, we agreed that (as outlined in our constitution) we’d elect a Chairperson on a monthly basis over the next few months.

After this, we had a very relaxing and enjoyable coffee and chat. Eleven of us met up, back at our usual venue- The Courtyard Restaurant.

Kelly has designed some beautiful posters for our group that will also raise awareness about lupus and our website. We agreed that next month we will all colour the posters in together.

We also gave out cards showing dates for meditation classes. For those who are interested, there are just 3 more weeks left in the Bodhisattva Kadampa Buddhist centre’s 4th term, before they take a long summer break (last week begins 15th July).

This photo of The Courtyard is courtesy of TripAdvisor.
